Who invented the Pavlova?
The Kiwis claim that New Zealand did, Aussies reckon it's there's. Both countries love eating this delicious cake around Christmas time topped with yummy summer fruits.After a lot of research...
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The Kiwis claim that New Zealand did, Aussies reckon it's there's. Both countries love eating this delicious cake around Christmas time topped with yummy summer fruits.After a lot of research...
A quote for those days when things just don't go to plan. We all have them 🙂”No one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers” Wolfgang Riebe
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Not only are the Yellow-Eyed Penguin cute, they pretty good divers too! They eat small fish along the seafloor, diving depths of between 40-160 metres on trips that can last...
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It's Nelson Mandela's birthday today so to celebrate we have one of his many inspiring quotes to share... "A winner is a dreamer who never gives up".
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This one is for all the parents walking around with stickers on their bums, in their hair or on the bottom of their shoes... "Some days I slay at motherhood....
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Mum says: I'm going to shower. What kids hear: Family meeting in the bathroom. Family meetings at our house seem to occur every day 🚿 🧖🏻♀️
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This unicorn full of pizzazz is undoubtedly going to brighten up your day! 🦄🌟💜🌈 "Be a unicorn in a field of horses." ⠀
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Question: What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with an alien? Answer: A Mars-upial. I'll never look at a marsupial the same way again 😆 🦘 👽
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Such a sweet little quote for today, stay smiling 😁 "A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear."
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A little positivity to get you through your Monday 🤩⠀“Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” David McCullough Jr.⠀
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Growing up in Australia, you hear the term "outback" often, and we all know what it means, or do we??? When you're sitting down with a kid who asks you...
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A sweet quote to try and remember more often 😊✌🏼 “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.” Robert Brault
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Another weird collective noun today, did you know a group of echidnas is called a parade? A pretty ironic name for a shy and very antisocial animal don't you think?
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I'm pretty sure I'm less princess and more superhero 😆 ⠀"Not all girls are princesses some are superheroes"⠀
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